Saturday, March 7, 2009

Finally I am joining the blogosphere

Yes, I have taken the first step of creating a blog as I have decided to become active in blogosphere. As my profie shows that I am Software Consultant specializing in Microsoft technologies, I plan to use this blog to post my learnings related to Microsoft technologies which might be of interest or help to people like myself.

I use google search quite a bit to find answers when stuck on some technology problem. Yes, I am one of those who don't like to give up and can spend hours to overcome hurdles to enjoy that sweet taste of success. I have come across so many useful blog posts over the last few years that I am finally motivated to give back to the community (at least that's the hope).

Recently, I have been spending quite a bit of time learning LINQ and WCF. Reading through a book/article/tutorial is one thing but once you start digging deep you run into so many different issues. I have been stuck very often and have found solutions most of the time and have some useful findings to share. Coming Soon!

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